Artikkel hentet fra Blatchford News
We are pleased to announce the release of ‘A Study of AvalonK2’, a new clinical White Paper exploring how AvalonK2 meets the needs of its users.
In the White Paper you can expect to discover:
- How the demographics of the amputee population have different biomechanical requirements and why the engineering principles behind different devices must accommodate for this.
- How our hydraulic ankles technology responds to the specifications that natural movement, providing long-term health benefits to users.
- How AvalonK2 has been designed specifically for the complex needs of limited community ambulators through award-winning hydraulic ankle technology and a unique optimised keel.
Understanding the specific biomechanical needs of limited community ambulators
Demographics of the amputee population have different biomechanical requirements and the engineering principles behind different devices must accommodate for this.
It is well documented there are a number of biomechanical differences between the gait of elderly people and that of young people. With 75% of lower limb amputations occurring in over 60s it is important to consider the characteristics of limited community ambulators when prescribing lower limb prosthesis to improve mobility and independence.
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