Dennis’s EchelonVAC Story

Artikkel hentet fra Blatchford Real Life Stories Seven years ago, Dennis Brooks, was involved in a construction accident. Even after 18 corrective surgeries, the trauma of the accident proved too severe to restore the full use of his ankle. As a result, Dennis was given three options in which to proceed: fused ankle, non-productive AFO […]...

Ny Softskin Air® katalog

SoftSkin New generation Silicone-Liner Silicone liners have proven to be accepted as the world’s most successful suspension system. The quality and function of the Uniprox SoftSkin liners are known for more than ten years. Thanks to the unique progressive outside textile, in combination with the medical silicone, a huge number of satisfied amputees uses the […]...

Lee’s EchelonVT Story

Artikkel hentet fra Blatchford Real Life Stories In July 2003, Lee Boxall, a designer and artist living in the historic city of York was involved in a motor-cross bike accident which meant undergoing multiple surgeries and having to spend over a year on crutches. After many setbacks, Lee was keen to move on with his life […]...

Little Heroes

Et unikt utvalg av motiver designet og produsert av LimbTex Ltd. De tjenestene vi tilbyr inkluderer design, utskrift og konvertering. Tilgjengelig på Transfer Paper Rolls Fabrics for Gaiter’s etc Spot / Individual Transfers LimbWrap Cosmetic Films Orthotic Straps, Pads, Chafes and Kits Wheelchair Spoke Guards Stretch Fabrics & Covers For bestilling av katalog, send e-post […]...

Whitepaper Lumbotrain

A prospective study of the trunk musculature under the influence of compressive lumbar supports in patients with acute lumbar back pain Some 30 to 40 percent of the population currently suffers from acute back pain. The acute lumbar back pain is described as pain episodes that occur for the first time or after at least […]...

Steve’s Silcare Breathe Story

Artikkel hentet fra Blatchford Real Life Stories Steve served in the Army for almost 10 years, working in support of the US Department of Defence overseeing reconstruction projects in Iraq. Unfortunately, 8 years ago Steve lost his left leg below the knee during his service in Iraq. Steve currently lives in Devon, training as a […]...

Ny Uniprox katalog

Den nye Uniprox protese katalogen er nå tilgjengelig. Inneholder oversikt over proteser, ortoser, materialer og verktøy.   Innhold 1 Prosthetics Feet 08 Modular Adapters 20 Knee Joints 36 Liners and Locks 50 Valves 74 Cosmetic Covers 86 Stumpsocks and accessories 92 2 Orthotics Hand Orthosis 110 Foot Orthosis 127 Lower Limb Orthosis 130 Hip Orthosis […]...

Muskel- og skjelettkongressen 2019

Vi deltok nylig på Muskel og skjelettkongressen 2019 i regi av Privatpraktiserende Fysioterapeuters Forbund. Tema for årets kongress var “Hva med hodet?” Forelesere snakket om tema som ulike hodepinetyper, moderne behandling av hodepine og migrene og tempomandibulær dysfunksjon. Innhold Ulike hodepinetyper: årsaker, utredning og diagnostikk Moderne behandling hodepine og migrene Te...

Back pain therapy

Artikkel hentet fra Bauerfeind Life magazine “We want to bring the muscles back into play” Listening, examining, treating – each of these steps has to be performed thoroughly. The recipe for success of orthopedic specialist Susanne Gramatté at the Berlin Pain Center in Germany is rather straightforward. The physician relies on a combination of physiotherapy […]...

Sylinder bytte på KX06 og Mercury

KX06 KX06 er et unikt polysentrisk kne med hydraulisk sving og bremsefunksjon. Det er designet for svært krevende fysisk aktivitet hos K-3 og K-4 brukere. Kombinasjonen av geometri og hydraulikk gir gir optimal smidig gange i alle typer terreng. Varenummer Produktnavn Garanti 932281 SWING & STANCE HYD CYLINDER FOR KX06 (Ny Pumpe KX06) 36m 932282 […]...