Blatchford er co-partner i MovAID prosjektet

Blatchford is proud to be a co-ordinating partner of the €5.95M Horizon 2020 project MovAiD. MovAiD is a cross-disciplinary project joining a consortium of companies under Horizon 2020 EU Program. It aims at developing technologies assisting manufacturing of intelligent, “passive” and highly personalised kineto-dynamic equipment (Movement Assistive Devices) to enhance or compensate human mo...

7 myter om innleggssåler

1. When it comes to shoe insoles, softer = better. Completely soft insoles are not only ineffective, but they actually “pamper the problem”. You may find that initially you love the feeling of slipping your foot into a shoe with a soft, cushiony insole, but in reality those types of insoles do nothing to fix the root problem: misalignment […]...

Løpe prosjektet i Polen

David House and Joe McCarthy travelled to Warsaw with amputee demonstrator Lee Boxall for a two day running skills workshop. The event was hosted by our business partner in Poland; Orto-Centrum Ltd. Over 25 clinicians attended the workshop with sessions led by David House on the theory of running, physical assessment, exercising, conditioning, running drills […]...

GenuTrain® S Pro

Aktiv bandasje med begrensbare leddskinner for sidestabiliering Indikasjoner: Lette og middels ustabiliteter Gonartrose Artritter (f. eks. revmatoid artritt) Meniskskader Egenskaper: De anatomisk forhåndsutformede leddskinnene er termoplastiske og kan etterformes og brukes i føringskanaler på sidene. Leddskinnene kan begrenses i fleksjon på 30°, 60° og 90° og ekstensjon på 20°. To sirkul...

Silcare Breathe

The new SoftSkin Air is the first liner in the world to have a breathable silicone structure. Special micropores reliably draw any moisture away from the stump while the liner is being worn away, thus keeping the stump considerably dryer....